About Us

Our Passion Statement 

At AINOS, we are passionate about curating exclusive stuff for kids and home. Our collection is handcrafted and a result of passion to get a high from creativity. Taking inspiration from all things around, the touch of the materials, invigorating effect of colors when combined with aesthetic design leave room only for excellence and ainos(praise).


Our Story

in the words of Founder and Owner,

Chanchal Sonia Bhandari

What started as a hobby in 2016, to keep the creative juices flowing and spirits high while on a sabbatical leave to be with my 2 toddlers, led to setting up of AINOS in 2018 when I decided to quit my banking job of 2 decades to pursue this passion for creativity…my calling in life.  

Like any small enterprise, I take care of designing, sourcing materials, production, marketing, sales, accounting and everything in between. Empowering women, being close to my heart, there are a few women freelancers working for the Company. Each product listed on the store has been handcrafted after days, sometimes weeks of iterations with dedication and love.

I love to enjoy all good things that the world has to offer but equally fascinated by philosophy and spirituality.  In a nutshell, like many others, am often oscillating between Maya and Moksha in life.


Vibha Gupta

Designer and Creator-Hair Accessories and Jewelry

My SuperSister is the designer and creator of most of the hair accessories and Fabric and Thread Jewelry that you see here. With a sharp eye for detail and aesthetics, these unique kid’s accessories are designed by her keeping in mind the practicality, comfort and liking of kids. She is the driving force behind the success of these two categories. Always high on josh and available for anyone who needs her, she just knows how to get the most out of life.


Neelam Setia

Motherboard, Designer and Creator- Baby Knits

Our SuperMom is the pillar of strength and our giver-of-creative-genes. Her passion for embroidery, crochet and knitting is incomparable. She designs and personally creates all the woolen and knitted collection that you will see here. The products that she makes are very dear to me as I feel the warmth of her love in them. Nothing compares to the joy and satisfaction that we get by watching her excitement, creative involvement and that spark alive in this age.


Manish Bhandari, Aadrika and Adhiraj 


My SuperHusband and SuperKids are the biggest supporters, cheerleaders, advisors and critics.  They are an inspiration behind many products that you see on the store. Not only are they always on a lookout for new ideas but also help with lot of problem solving. They have the back of this company and mine too…literally. We love to eat and pray together and I try to compensate them with lots of love and hugs for their contribution.


Hope you enjoy picking up your favorite products as much as we enjoyed curating them for you. Cheers !